Stakeholder Involvement
Buncombe County Schools supports and encourages parent and community involvement and stakeholder input in each of its schools and at the district level. Partnerships with families, community organizations and business leaders are the foundation for student and school success. Buncombe County Schools is fortunate to have an actively engaged and supportive community. There are opportunities for everyone to be involved, and many ways to provide input.
At individual schools, parents and community members are encouraged to volunteer for specific school activities, events and programs, to join parent teacher organizations, booster clubs, or to serve on the School Improvement Team or School Advisory Council. At many schools there are opportunities to proctor important tests, to judge Senior Projects, and to become mentors directly involved with student success. Information about volunteering in schools is available on this website. See individual school websites for information on serving on the School Improvement Team or School Advisory Council. Also, you can view Board Policy #5001, Advisory Councils.
On the district level, parents and community members can participate in strategic planning activities, serve on one of the Superintendent’s Advisory Councils, or provide input through system-wide advisory committees focused on needs such as developing the annual school system calendar, meeting the needs of exceptional children, and enhancing STEM and global awareness initiatives.
Opportunities to provide feedback are also provided through phone, email and online surveys as the need arises. We encourage all stakeholders to take a few minutes to provide their input when those opportunities arise.
Businesses can also become involved with the school system, or with a specific school, to help support BCS instructional programs. You can find out more about community involvement through links on this website, or by contacting individual schools or the Communications Department at 350-2261 or